“What is Christmas? It is a tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future” –

Agnes M. Pahro

In the spirit of tenderness, courage and hope we pledge Santa Shoeboxes on behalf of all of our clients.

Each year the Santa Shoebox Project collects and distributes personalised gifts of essential items and treats for underprivileged children throughout South Africa and Namibia.

Thanks to many incredible supporters 75,298 precious children were able to #sharethelove in 2022. And since the start, a whopping 1,152,587!

The success of the Project can largely be attributed to its personal nature – donors give gifts of essential items and treats to children whose names, ages and genders are known. The minimum 8 required items are a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a washcloth, sweets, a toy, school supplies and an outfit of clothing – all new, unused and age-appropriate

A heartfelt thanks to all our outstanding candidates and incredible clients that allow us the gift of giving!